Polymer Division Activities
The Polymer Division holds regular scientific meetings covering the full range of topics of interest to polymer scientists and technologists. The major meeting of the Polymer Division is the Australasian Polymer Symposium (APS), held every 12-18 months. The Division supports the Polymer Summer Schools, which are aimed primarily at postgraduate students in polymer science. In addition, the Division provides support for important international meetings. These include the IUPAC World Polymer Congresses. Students are supported to organise conferences known as Student Forums, which cover issues and offer opportunities for students not encountered at APS meetings.
Important: The Polymer Division offers subsidies for student RACI members to attend the Australasian Polymer Symposia. If you would like to apply for a subsidy, please contact the Treasurer at the address below as as soon as practicable, giving your name, your RACI membership number, the name of your supervisor, and what name the cheque should be made out to – or bank account details if you prefer an electronic transfer.
Dr Marion Gaborieau