O’Donnell International Travel Awards

Professor O'Donnell

Status: Open for nominations. Please submit applications before June 30, 2023.

The O’Donnell International Travel Awards are offered by the RACI Polymer Division in recognition of the longstanding support and encouragement of young polymer scientists by the late Prof. Jim O’Donnell of the University of Queensland. Prof. O’Donnell’s vision and efforts for polymer scientists in Australia always placed young scientists in a pivotal role within the community.

The award is offered to higher degree students enrolled in Australian or New Zealand universities who are financial members of the RACI, and who wish to present at an international conference and/or wish to visit an international lab as part of their research. For conference travel, the award will only be made on condition that a paper or poster is accepted by the conference committee. Applicants that demonstrate multiple activities during the trip will be considered favourably by the committee. The awards are typically offered annually or biannually. The current round will close 30 June.

The value of the award is up to $3000, as well as free student registration to attend and present at a meeting involving the RACI Polymer Division, such as the Australasian Polymer Symposium.

In order to qualify for the awards, applicants need to submit the following to the RACI Polymer Division:

  1. Completed and signed application form (click to download)
  2. CV, including publications (if available)
  3. Reference letter from supervisor

Award applications should be submitted by the due date (30/06/2023) to the awards coordinator of the Polymer Division, A/Prof Stuart Thickett (stuart.thickett@utas.edu.au) with the email subject line “Polymer Division Student Travel Award”.